When we drive, we need to be aware of literally anything and everything.

Just one missed thing can lead to a bad situation.

The reason why drivers become tired from a long journey is because their brains are dealing with thousands of bit of information throughout the journey, if you're not mentally tired after a journey you've probably not been paying as much attention to everything as you should have been.

Obviously as we become more experienced as a driver, we learn to filter out the "not so important stuff" and look out for the potentially dangerous stuff. But awareness of everything around you still comes into play at all times. 

It may be a animal running out into the road, a cyclist on their phone or riding around not holding the handlebars, or they may be on and off the pavement at random times that you need to watch out for.

Signs for road works may mean they is heavy equipment moving around on the road or workmen in the road.
Scooters and now electric scooters, although the electric ones are still currently illegal to be on the public highway unless the rented type, people still use them. Just hitting a tiny pot hole could launch the rider in the path of your vehicle, give them a very wide birth when passing them.

General post holes can cause a considerable amount of damage to your vehicle. Avoid them if you can! If it has been raining, assume EVERY puddle has a pot hole below it, you won't know how deep it is unless you hit it by which time it's probably too late and the damage to your vehicle will already have been done.

Pedestrians on the pavement too busy chatting on on their mobile phone will be distracted and may just cross the road without looking.

These items and loads more are things drivers should be aware of at any time whilst driving.

The best advice is BE PREPARED FOR ANYTHING!